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"Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" - Matthew 6:33

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1. ȸ°³(Penitence)

2. °Åµì³²(Rebirth)

3. »õ·Î¿î ¼±±³(New Mission)

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2010 New Christian Declaration (Draft)

"Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" - Matthew 6:33

- Order -

1. Penitence
2. Rebirth
3. New Mission

1. Penitence: Reflection and Repentance on the Sins Committed by Christianity for Two Thousand Years

First, we¡¯d like to sincerely repent all the errors and terrible tragedies brought by Christianity over the last two thousand years.

When Jesus came to this land, he preferentially stayed with the poor, the ill, and alienated weak people at Galilee and told many people about life-living and peace-enjoyment in the realm of God. However, after Jesus¡¯s realm of God movement, the movement gradually began to lose the initial life force and finally colluded with the empire¡¯s political power and changed into an empire focused on massacres and wars, contrary to the lively and peaceful realm of God.

 Furthermore, the groups and the church fathers, who regarded themselves as the successors of Jesus¡¯ realm of God movement, gradually built a Christian theology system remote from Jesus¡¯ historical life and ultimately, under the guise of ¡°authenticity¡±, they forcibly demanded self-regulating beliefs and reduced Christianity to an Orwellian nature. People used Christianity in doctrine disputes, the Crusades, witch hunts, and other wrongful tragedies. Many people mercilessly lost their lives through these wrongdoings.

Then, there was the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. This event did not wholly reform Christianity and unfortunately, it preserved a conquerable and barbarous theology and Christianity continued in the life-dying and peace-obliteration framework. Christian countries colonized several continents and countries around the world and slaughtered many aboriginal people or made them slaves. During those times, Christians brought up God¡¯s name and used Jesus¡¯ name and the Bible.

For the poor, the ill, women, children, blacks, and homosexuals, Christianity became a religion that deceived and suppressed them rather than providing warm-hearted messages. No matter how many lives Christianity saved till now, we cannot deny the fact that Christianity has also cost hundreds of millions of lives of mankind. God, please forgive the sins committed by Christianity and pray for us so nothing like this will ever happen again.

Moreover, existing Christianity has walked a path of closed self-righteousness by denigrating the traditional cultures and destroying the cultures of countries and regions where Christianity was spread under the guise of missionary work and evangelism. Christianity has made a grave mistake by not being able to lead a creative culture of mutual cooperation but rather treating other religions and cultures merely as idols. Even today, there are some Christians that create disturbance to society by shouting ¡°If you believe in Jesus, you will go to Heaven. If you don¡¯t, you will end up in Hell.¡± Dear God and all those living on Earth, please forgive the sins committed by Christianity.

Every now and then, Christianity would collide with the new outcomes of scientific ideas. We sincerely repent our wrongdoings in the past, especially during the time when Christians rejected the idea of heliocentric theory and tried to kill scientific researchers through religious trials. Moreover, conservative Protestants failed to acknowledge the outcomes of natural science including Darwin¡¯s theory of evolution and tried to judge science as a yardstick of religious doctrine or confuse people by convincing them that the outcomes were a pseudo scientific form of creation science and intellectual planning. We have committed the crime of disturbing God¡¯s world of creation and God¡¯s existence.

Dear God, one who loves and thinks of the weak first, we appease to the many revengeful spirits that have lost their lives as a result of the wrongful doings of Christianity. Please forgive the sins committed by Christianity. In the future, we will strive to help Christianity become a religion that keeps its ears open to the honest outcomes of science and become a trusted religion that promotes mutual coexistence with science. On the same note, we will strive to help Christianity become a compatible religion that holds a broad viewpoint for mutual reform through mutual development with other advanced religions and cultures in the world such as Buddhism and Confucianism in the Asian region.

We sincerely repent the sins of Christianity¡¯s past mistakes and tragedies, and we look forward to the rebirth of a new and healthy Christianity. Although mainstream Christianity has committed many sins and many were unaware of it even as a part of the group, we still believe there¡¯s a minority of healthy Christians that have followed God¡¯s path. By following the examples set by the predecessors of such religious belief, we strive to become Jesus followers to help prepare for the coming of a new and healthy Christian era in the 21st century. We earnestly pray that God will be together with us in helping Christianity become Galilee¡¯s realm of God movement that God had opened in the past.

Please give the courage to all those who participate in the movement to help bring back a new and healthy Christianity to this land and those who are determined to do so.
2. Rebirth: Conversion to a New and Healthy Christianity

Declaration of Promise for the New Birth of Today¡¯s Christianity
- Praying for Christianity¡¯s sincere repentance and healthy transformation...

1. We accept that existing Christianity no longer gives light to today¡¯s age and we have reached ¡®theology crisis¡¯ and the ¡®church crisis¡¯. In order overcome these crises, we aim for a lively .

2. We base our Christian faith in Jesus¡¯ historical realm of God movement. Following the examples of Jesus¡¯ life, we aim for Christian faith that liberates all those who are alienated and suppressed on this land.

3. We are against a demanding and forceful Christianity that promotes Christian doctrine as something that needs to be believed unconditionally, and we aim for Christian faith that practices love deep within the daily lives for low-status people of this land.

4. We are against the idea that all written contents in the Bible are absolutely correct and we oppose the idea of ¡°the inerrancy of the Bible¡±. We aim for Christian faith that helps us find enlightenment through the reflection of the deep meaning of God¡¯s acts of redemption.

5. We are against the erroneous viewpoint of understanding supernatural factors within the Bible as historical facts. We aim for a rational Christianity that can be mutually understood with the scientific results found till this day.

6. We are against an exclusive Christianity that holds a combative and exclusive position against other religious cultures, and we aim for mutual change of Christian faith that is open to various healthy religious cultures in the world while maintaining the Christian balance.

7. We are against patriarchal Christianity that opposes the order of confirmation of women and justifies the degradation of women. We aim to reflect on the patriarchal domination ideology deep within Christian history and aim for a mutually equal Christian faith within God¡¯s order of creation.

8. We are against the understanding of God as an Almighty, absolutely perfect, transcendent, and imperial ruler. We aim for Christian faith that believes in an open God that bears the pains of the world¡¯s irregularities and help people overcome the irregularities.

9. We are against the Church¡¯s undemocratic and oppressive system/order within today¡¯s religious circles, and we aim for a Christian community with a democratic communication structure that listens to voices from the bottom.

10. Rather than promoting the Westernized church/pastoral cultures present in the majority of today¡¯s Christian culture, we aim to promote our own church and pastoral culture that is reflective of our culture.

11. Rather than supporting the idea of King of Kings as the subject of religious faith and simply believing in worshipping and submission, we aim for church services where our body experiences the subject of religious faith and our body accepts God¡¯s body and life.

12. We don¡¯t simply see the confession of a sin as a personal connection with God, but we include both the sinner and those who have suffered because of the sin and self-examination of the confession of the sin through sincere repentance for the weak who are always suffering.

13. Our Christian belief is against powerful nations¡¯ aggression, suppression, and violence, and we aim for a new democratic and ecological political-economic system that overcomes the limits and vices of imperialism and capitalism.

14. We are thoroughly against all powers and bad laws that trample life and peace, and we continuously strive to promote a Christian belief of non-violent resistance against all influence of violence and killings.

15. Rather than understanding human¡¯s body and life through a dualist viewpoint of God and World, Mind and Material, and Spirit and Flesh, we aim for a circular Christian belief that self-examines an overall Mom in mutual relationships.

16. Rather than understanding the process of curing souls where the after-death soul becomes immortal and enters the afterlife Heaven, we understand the process as something that starts here whether it is in this world or in the afterlife. A sincere Gospel/rescue movement is a movement that promotes the change to a place of life-living and peace-enjoyment.

17. Surprisingly enough, we see the subject of today¡¯s Christian missionary work as Christianity itself as opposed to the remote areas of a far-away country. From this point of view, we declare the which fulfills the existing Christianity¡¯s sincere repentance and change as a top priority.

3. New Mission: Healthy Change in Christianity Leads to Healthy Change for Global Society

Now, sincere missions must be conducted through the complete overhaul of Christianity itself. Therefore, the will first focus on the old Christianity as the mission¡¯s subject. We will view the depraved Christianity below as the , and we clearly declare that this type of Christianity is no longer a form of Christianity.

¨ç Christianity that doesn¡¯t reflect on the mistakes and tragedies caused by the religion for two thousand years.
¨è Christianity that comes in the anti-historical and addictive form based on hierarchical dualism.
¨é Christianity that states ¡®doctrine¡¯ should be believed and confessed even if it is incomprehensible
¨ê Christianity that teaches its followers to blindly accept the Bible and teaches supernaturalism as a fact
¨ë Combative and closed Christianity that demands the belief of ¡°If you believe in Jesus, you will go to Heaven. If you don¡¯t, you will end up in Hell.¡±
¨ì Christianity that justifies aggressive violence and war as an excuse for judgment on evil.
¨í Patriarchal Christianity that opposes the order of confirmation of women and justifies the degradation of women.
¨î Christianity that sells out Jesus and the Bible for anti-democracy, anti-life and anti-peace.
¨ï Christianity that accommodates laws and systems that suppress the weak and support the strong.
¨ñ Christianity that supports imperialism and neo-liberalism which obliterate life and peace.
¨ò Christianity that emphasizes wrongful mysteries and divinity and supernatural miracle experiences.
¨ó Christianity composed of ministers who passes on the church and immerses themselves in ecclesiastical authority.

and must be adequately distinguished from each other and surprisingly enough, the subject of today¡¯s Christian missionary work is Christianity itself rather than the remote areas of a far-away country. At a minimum, from this point of view we need to maintain a new Christian movement organization so we can all participate in the life-living and peace-enjoyment movement of the realm of God!

We believe that the realm of God, which starts here, is in the hands of those who are participating in full swing and we sincerely ask for the active participation and solidarity of those who are awake.

- 2010 New Christian Members & Non-Christian Members who supports this Declaration

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Institute for Transformation of World and Christianity